Aug11 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories Sarah Mann’s StoryFinally Filling the Void that Kundalini Yoga, the New Age, Crystals, and Peruvian Shamanism Could Not Fill Mike Shreve
Aug01 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories Michal Russo’s StoryCertified Teacher, Studied at Yogashala Institute, Finally Aligned by Jesus After Leaving Yoga Mike Shreve
May13 StoriesWritten Stories Mona Beatrix’s StoryForsaking Psychics, Fortune Tellers, and Angel Cards for a Personal Relationship with God Mike Shreve
Sep26 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories Sara Torbett’s StoryLeaving Behind the “Eight Limbs of Yoga," She Gave Her Heart and Life to "the True Vine” Mike Shreve
Jul21 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories Laura Maxwell’s StoryLeaving Luciferianism, the New Age, and Spiritualism for the True God Mike Shreve
Jul15 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories Jonathan Luxon’s StoryFormer Member of Findhorn New Age Community in Scotland Discovers Life in Jesus Mike Shreve
Jul13 StoriesWritten Stories Jacqueline Bourne’s StoryAfter 10 Years of Practicing Yoga, She Was Spiritually Awakened While Doing "The Goddess Pose" Mike Shreve
Oct22 StoriesVideo Stories Ashwin Ramani’s StoryOnce Devoted to the Teachings of Hinduism, Now a Follower of Jesus Mike Shreve
Apr04 StoriesWritten Stories Robin Harfouche’s StoryPsychic Phenomena, Channelers, and Spirit Guides in Hollywood to a Heavenly Encounter Mike Shreve
Dec23 StoriesWritten Stories Ruth Burgess’ StoryAshram Devotee for Over 30 Years Finds the Way, the Truth and the Life Mike Shreve
Dec22 StoriesWritten Stories Ivani Greppi’s StoryFormer Umbanda (Yoruba Religion) Spiritist Medium Transformed by the Truth Mike Shreve
Dec21 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories Kent Sullivan’s StoryPositive Thinking Under Norman Vincent Peale, Then Kriya Yoga, Then Jesus Revealed Himself Mike Shreve
Oct21 StoriesVideo Stories Natalia Warzecha’s StoryFormer Hatha Yoga teacher in the U.K. Finds Wholeness in Jesus Mike Shreve
Oct01 StoriesWritten Stories Prema Sankarsingh’s StoryDevoted to Hinduism, Then Jesus Appears to Her in Two Dreams Mike Shreve
Sep30 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories Brittany Scott’s StoryA Registered Yoga Teacher for Five Years Closed Her School to Follow Jesus Mike Shreve
Jul08 StoriesWritten Stories John Alper’s StoryA Jewish New Ager and Follower of Yogananda Finds the Key to Eternal Life! Mike Shreve
Feb10 StoriesVideo Stories Eric Wilson’s StoryThe Dragon Revealed / The Dark Side of Martial Arts Mike Shreve
Feb04 StoriesVideo Stories Taylor Houchens’ StoryHow Conspiracy Theories Led Me to Jesus Christ Mike Shreve
Jan12 StoriesWritten Stories Michael Graham’s StoryDisciple of Swami Muktananda and Teacher of the Avatar Course Discovers God's Grace Mike Shreve
Dec28 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories Anne Stenehjem’s StoryA Teacher of Vinyasa Yoga for Seven Years Finds the True Path to Eternal Life Mike Shreve
Dec27 StoriesWritten Stories Mary Bandara’s StoryFrom Darkness to Light: A Former Buddhist Encounters the True God Mike Shreve
Dec26 StoriesWritten Stories James Stephen’s StoryFrom Soka Gakkai Buddhism to the Lord Jesus Christ Mike Shreve
Dec01 StoriesVideo Stories Tara Bell’s StoryFollower of Rajneesh, Mentored by Eckhart Tolle, Transformed by Jesus Mike Shreve
Sep11 StoriesWritten Stories Vail Carruth’s StoryTranscendental Meditation Teacher Discovers the True Name of the Lord Mike Shreve
Aug25 StoriesVideo StoriesWritings Lucinda Gabriel’s StoryFormer Angel Consultant and Medium Encounters Jesus Mike Shreve
Jun25 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories David Kyle Foster’s StoryFollower of Guru Maharaj Ji Meets the True God in Gethsemane Mike Shreve
Apr20 StoriesVideo Stories Mike Shreve’s StoryRunning a Kundalini Yoga Ashram Then He Encounters the True Light Mike Shreve
Apr14 StoriesVideo Stories Robin Harfouche’s StoryHollywood Dancer and Actress Discovered the Dark Side of Channeling Mike Shreve
Apr01 StoriesWritten Stories Stanley Petrowski’s StoryFollower of Mystery Religions Finds Jesus in the Himalayan Mountains Mike Shreve
Mar31 StoriesWritten Stories Deborah Shah’s StoryFormer TM Practitioner Encounters the Messiah and Leaves the Teachings of the Maharishi Behind Mike Shreve
Mar31 StoriesWritingsWritten Stories Kate Matos’ StoryFrom Catholicism, to New Age Spirituality, to Angel Tarot Cards, to Biblical Truth and Salvation Mike Shreve
Mar31 StoriesWritten Stories Laurette Willis’ StoryStudied Yoga for 22 Years Then God Asked a "Dangerous Question" Mike Shreve
Mar09 StoriesVideo Stories Steven Bancarz’s StoryFrom New Age Influencer to Devoted Disciple of Jesus Mike Shreve
Mar09 StoriesVideo Stories Michael Graham’s StoryFormer Devotee of Muktananda and Leader in the Avatar Course Mike Shreve
Feb24 StoriesWritten Stories Andrew Osta’s StoryDevoted to Shamanism and New Age Spirituality Then He Found Jesus Mike Shreve
Feb23 StoriesWritten Stories Tara Bell’s StoryA Follower of Rajneesh, Mentored by Eckhart Tolle, Transformed by the Savior Mike Shreve
Nov28 StoriesWritten Stories Paul Auerbach’s StoryAssistant to Swami Bhaktivedanta (ISKCON / International Society for Krishna Consciousness) Finds the Truth Mike Shreve
Nov01 StoriesWritten Stories Bill Sawyer’s StoryDragged 40 Feet Under the Ocean by a 300 Pound Swordfish, But God . . . Mike Shreve
Oct08 StoriesWritten Stories Carl Faford’s StoryFollower of Divine Light Mission (Guru Maharaj Ji) Encounters the Light of the World Mike Shreve
Oct08 StoriesWritten Stories Evon Green’s StoryFrom New Age Affirmations to the Declaration of God's Word Mike Shreve