Download this free digital booklet of the story of Mike Shreve’s spiritual journey from yoga, far eastern mysticism and new age spirituality to the joy of being a follower of Jesus. Share it with a friend who is seeking.
Download this free digital booklet of the story of Mike Shreve’s spiritual journey from yoga, far eastern mysticism and new age spirituality to the joy of being a follower of Jesus. Share it with a friend who is seeking.
Descargue este folleto digital gratuito de la historia de la jornada espiritual de Mike Shreve desde el yoga, el misticismo del lejano oriente y la espiritualidad de la nueva era hasta el gozo de ser un seguidor de Jesús. Compártalo con un amigo que busca la verdad.
Download this free digital booklet of the story of Mike Shreve’s spiritual journey from yoga, far eastern mysticism and new age spirituality to the joy of being a follower of Jesus. Share it with a friend who is seeking.
Faça o download grátis deste livreto sobre a história da jornada espiritual de Mike Shreve da yoga, misticismo do Extremo Oriente, e espiritualidade da Nova Era para o regozijo de ser um seguidor de Jesus. Compartilhe com seus amigos que estão buscando a verdade.
Download this free digital booklet of the story of Mike Shreve’s spiritual journey from yoga, far eastern mysticism and new age spirituality to the joy of being a follower of Jesus. Share it with a friend who is seeking.
Laden Sie diese kostenlose digitale Broschüre mit der Geschichte von Mike Shreves spiritueller Reise von Yoga, fernöstlicher Mystik und New-Age-Spiritualität zur Freude, ein Nachfolger Jesu zu sein, herunter. Teilen Sie es mit einem Freund, der sucht.
Download this free digital booklet of the story of Mike Shreve’s spiritual journey from yoga, far eastern mysticism and new age spirituality to the joy of being a follower of Jesus. Share it with a friend who is seeking.
免費下載的這本電子版小冊子,講述了Mike Shreve從瑜伽、遠東神秘主義、
Download this free digital booklet of the story of Mike Shreve’s spiritual journey from yoga, far eastern mysticism and new age spirituality to the joy of being a follower of Jesus. Share it with a friend who is seeking.
免费下载的这本电子版小册子,讲述了Mike Shreve从瑜伽、远东神秘主义、新时代的灵性转变为欢喜快乐的耶稣的追随者的心灵旅程的故事。请与寻求真理的朋友分享。
Download this free digital booklet of the story of Mike Shreve’s spiritual journey from yoga, far eastern mysticism and new age spirituality to the joy of being a follower of Jesus. Share it with a friend who is seeking.
माइक स्रेव्ह की योगा से बाहर निकलने की आध्यात्मिक यात्रा को पढ़ने के लिए इस डिजिटल पुस्तिका को डाउनलोड करे, पूर्विय रहस्यवाद और नव युग जैसे आध्यात्मिकता से बाहर निकलने और प्रभु यीशु का अनुयायी बनाने की कहानी। अपने खोजी दोस्तों के साथ साझा करे।
Pobierz tą bezpłatną broszurę opowiadającą historię duchowej podróży Mike’a Shreve’a od jogi, dalekowschodniego mistycyzmu i duchowości New Age do radości bycia naśladowcą Jezusa. Podziel się nią z przyjacielem, który szuka prawdy.
Książeczka zostanie wysłana do Ciebie e-mailem. Pamiętaj, aby sprawdzić folder spamu lub kosza, jeśli nie widzisz jej w swojej skrzynce odbiorczej.
Download this free digital booklet of the story of Mike Shreve’s spiritual journey from yoga, far eastern mysticism and new age spirituality to the joy of being a follower of Jesus. Share it with a friend who is seeking truth.
மைக் ஷ்ரேவின் யோகாவிலிருந்து இயேசுவைப் பின்பற்றும் ஆன்மீகப் பயணத்தின் கதையைப் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளும் இந்த இலவச புத்தகத்தைப் பதிவிறக்கவும். உண்மையைத் தேடும் நண்பருடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்.
Download this free digital booklet of the story of Mike Shreve’s spiritual journey from yoga, far eastern mysticism and new age spirituality to the joy of being a follower of Jesus. Share it with a friend who is seeking truth.
Télécharger ce livre digitale gratuitement de l’histoire du voyage spirituel de Mike Shreve, du yoga, mysticisme de l’extrême orient et la spiritualité nouvelle âge jusqu’à la joie de suivre le Jésus-Christ. Partagez-le avec un ami qui cherche la vérité.