A science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard founded The Church of Scientology in 1952. It has become one of the most controversial religious cults in modern times. What are some of their major beliefs and why are some of the Hollywood elite...
Are human beings comprised of just two parts: a body and a soul. Or is it more complicated? Various religions give conflicting views, assigning three, five, seven, even ten parts to the human makeup. The biblical view is different than all the rest...
The politically-correct, religiously-correct answer to this question is all-inclusive: that everyone is a child of God and that we all worship the same God. But is that true? Or are there certain criteria that must be fulfilled to actually...
Almost every religion promotes a unique view of the future of the universe. These concepts often contradict each other and cannot all be true. Eastern religions are usually cyclical. Mideastern religions tend to be linear. What’s the...
Does the Kingdom of God reside within every person? Jesus explained to the Pharisees, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within...
Billions have never heard of Jesus—what happens to them? A primary objection to Christianity concerns how unjust it would be if God required faith in the Gospel of those who have never heard it. Does the Bible give a suitable explanation?