Hinduism teaches that maya (delusion) prevents human beings from understanding their true nature. Christianity teaches human beings live misguided lives because of deception. Are both these beliefs the same, or are they completely different?
Is the practice of chanting mantras a powerful means of achieving enlightenment or a futile and improper attempt at penetrating the realm of the supernatural? What did Jesus say about it? Is the well-known “Jesus Prayer” just a Christian mantra?
This idea of the origin of evil has plagued the minds of deep thinkers for thousands of years. How did this world become so wicked? Did God author it? Have people caused this chaos? Do we blame it all on the devil? What’s the root source? More...
Many religions acknowledge evil spirits exist but differ greatly in explaining how they got here, why they exist, what they are like and how to overcome them. Let’s explore a wide range of beliefs and compare them to the only inspired source of...
Pranayama is the yogic practice of breath control. Practitioners claim it helps them reach higher levels of consciousness by activating the chakras and intensifying the intake of “prana” (the divine life force). How does this compare to the biblical...
Learn the difference between New Age affirmations and biblically-based confessions of faith. Many Christians, out of concern they are dabbling in New Age practices, throw out the “baby with the bath water.” This teaching will resolve the issue.