Luciferian symbols and the European Union
The Globalist Agenda

The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in 2016 and formally cut ties on January 31, 2020. However, both sides agreed to maintain their relationship somewhat the same until December 31, 2020, to allow enough time to agree to the terms of a new trade deal. It was a complicated and often heated process, but they finally came to an agreement on December 24, 2020. Because of this, I lift my hands and shout, “Praise God”!

Why would I worship over a failed political alliance that will greatly affect the social, economic, and political climate of four countries (the UK is made up of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland). Because this is not just a social, economic, and political issue. This is a spiritual issue that will most likely have a ripple effect all over the world. I even believe that the favor and blessing of God could very well follow the Brexit decision. Why would I make such a claim? Because God warns against evil alliances. Second Corinthians 6:14-16 cautions in no uncertain terms:

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?

Of course, I understand this is an exhortation to the church not to mingle with the world—and Britain is certainly not a “Christian” nation in entirety. Though there are many believers of various denominations there, it is a diverse culture. However, any nation partnering with the European Union is ostensibly yoking itself with lawlessness and Luciferianism. Why would I make such an accusation? Admittedly, I am not acquainted with the leadership of the EU or its bylaws, so I cannot vouch for these assessments on an individual basis. However, when I uncovered the following information I was disturbed, shocked, and convinced that there must be occult involvement in the upper echelons.


EU headquarters in Strasbourg intentionally built in the shape of the tower of Babel

Look closely at this picture of the headquarters of the European Union in Strasbourg, France. Then compare it to the famous 1563 picture of the Tower of Babel by the Flemish Northern Renaissance Painter, Pieter Brueghel the Elder. The designers of the EU headquarters intentionally tried to mirror the appearance of scaffolding and an unfinished top to make this modern building look like the infamous and partially constructed tower that suffered the judgment of God thousands of years ago. Why would anyone in their right mind do such a thing? Probably because Luciferians believe the God of the Bible (Jehovah, or more correctly, Yahweh or Yahovah) is the god of darkness and Lucifer is the god of light. According to that belief system, Jehovah doomed humanity to perpetual spiritual darkness, but “Lucifer,” whose name means light-bringer, opened Adam and Eve’s eyes to hidden, esoteric wisdom, thus, liberating humankind to discover their own inherent divinity. Those embracing this worldview believe that ultimately Lucifer, the god of light, will overcome Jehovah, the god of darkness. So, according to Luciferians, the decisions and actions of Jehovah are questionable, objectionable, and even detestable.

Now, go back to the story of Noah. God told his offspring to “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1). Instead, Nimrod (the great-grandson of Noah) forged a seven-city kingdom and pulled the people to a central location. No wonder some theologians say his name means “Let us rebel.” The people of Babel also came up with a grandiose plan, saying:

“Let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” (Genesis 11:4)

This was not just any tower. According to many historians and theologians, it was a ziggurat (a large multi-leveled structure with a tower meant for astrological study and occult activities including the worship of various deities). It was definitely not a mere high-rise office building or apartment complex. However, God brought a swift end to their agenda, dividing their languages and scattering them abroad.

It is also important to note that the spirit of Antichrist began manifesting at Babel. When Nimrod died, according to some myths, his wife, Semiramis, claimed he came back to her as the sun god, had sexual relations with her, and she became pregnant. Insisting that Nimrod was the father, her child (named Tammuz–who was actually illegitimate, conceived from sexual activity outside of marriage) was instead glowingly described as being “the son of God” (worshiped as a divine being) (see Ezekiel 8:14). Thus, the vile root of the Antichrist spirit first sprouts in ancient Babel, then grows through the centuries to bring forth its ultimate evil fruit in the last days, in “Mystery, Babylon” of the book of the Revelation.

Erecting a building in the shape of the Tower of Babel is an audacious way of saying to the Creator, “We don’t care whether You disapproved of the original Tower of Babel or not. We intend to build it again and unite all nations under our control.” In other words, “We will undo what You did and return to the original plan of Nimrod.” What leaders in their right mind would choose to be associated with such a blasphemous insult being hurled toward King of heaven? You might be surprised.


If the reintroduction of the Tower of Babel is not enough to trouble your spirit, look at the main emblem of the European Union that is boldly displayed in front of an EU headquarters building in Brussels, Belgium. This piece of metal artwork is in the shape of Europa, a Greek goddess, riding a bull (a beast) that represented the false Greek deity Zeus. Do some research on the original myth and you will find out that Zeus, attracted to Europa’s beauty, morphed into the form of a white bull, then laid down at Europa’s feet. After she climbed on him, he plunged into the sea and raped her and had three offspring by her that were part human/part divine (Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon, who supposedly became three judges of the underworld when they died). It is occult imagery, with deep spiritual implications, and a revelation of what the EU leaders have planned to do. By the way, the name Europa is where the word Europe came from.

So in a very real sense, politically, financially and sociologically, Europe has been ‘raped’ by the unelected elite of this organization that, from the beginning, have been minded toward world domination and global unity. The fact that they used the symbol of a whorish woman riding a beast, plainly drawn from Revelation 17, as their symbolic emblem is a blatant, in-your-face admission of their evil and satanically-driven intent (though they would see it differently).

As I was researching these things, I came across a website called “Signs of the Last Days” with a lot of useful information ( / Michael Snyder). The writer tied these images together with the following words:

“That beast in the book of Revelation represents the world government led by the Antichrist.  By so prominently using the symbol of a woman riding the beast, the global elite are very clearly communicating that they are connected with this coming Beast system.  They know what the Bible says when they use symbols like this.  It seems like they are almost bragging about it.

You see, the elitists at the very top of the pyramid are hardcore Luciferians.  They also know that Antichrist is coming, and they plan to serve him.  They believe that they are actually going to win in the end. They have confidence in their “god” just as we have confidence in our God.
Satan has deceived himself into believing that he can win this thing in the end and he has deceived his followers into believing the same thing.  Such a thing seems inconceivable to Christians – but this is what hardcore Luciferians actually believe.

In fact, one thing that is common among the Luciferian global elite is a compulsion to tell us exactly what they are about to do. In this case, they are very open about the fact that not only do they intend to deceive and subjugate Europe, but they intend to do the same to all of humanity.”

If the author of these words is correct, the rumblings in the distance are ominous.

Here are more images that help to prove this case.

A Euro coin released in Greece depicts the ancient myth of Europa (from which we get the word “Europe”) riding the bull (“the beast”).

A phone card depicting the European Union as a whorish woman riding a beast.

A Woman Rides The Beast Der Spiegel

A cover of Der Spiegel depicting a woman riding a beast carrying the EU flag with the headline: “Good Morning Europe”

A poster advertising the EU uses the inverted pentagram for stars, a known symbol of Satanism. Notice the people are depicted with square-shaped heads, shoulders, and arms, symbolizing robotic-like control of the masses under the authority of the EU bent toward an ultimate globalist plan.


Almost five years ago (June 1, 2016), the Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland was dedicated with a full-blown Luciferian (or satanic) celebration, filled with occult symbolism and explicit sexual perversion. Just do a search on the internet

The Gotthard tunnel / 35 miles long through a mountain

for this event and you can watch the mind-blowing and blatant demonstration of evil imagery. But what does this have to do with the EU? The goal behind this 17-year project, opening up a 35-mile-long tunnel in the Swiss Alps, is apparently a bigger purpose than providing a seamless high speed rail trip from the Dutch city of Rotterdam to the city of Genoa on Italy’s seacoast.

The dedication of the first stage of this project was attended by many political, business and financial leaders from across Europe, including Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Switzerland’s President Johann Schneider-Ammann, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and France’s previous President Francois Hollande. This is an indication of a bigger picture, a New World Order agenda, a unifying goal in mind that will affect key nation-members of the EU.

No truly committed Christian could have sat through that ceremony without being completely appalled at the imagery and compelled to leave. So, should that drive us to incriminating assumptions? Probably.

WARNING: Some of the images in this video are somewhat sexually explicit and many images are spiritually contaminating. Pray protection before watching.


So, the conclusion is, yes, it is a good thing that Britain has finally fully exited the European Union (even though their reasons were probably not spiritual). Hopefully, they will abide by this decision, but more importantly, may there be national repentance and a turn back to biblical principles that permeated the British culture centuries past (not powerless Christianity, but the powerful type championed by godly men like Spurgeon and Wesley). Pray that this will happen. If Britain maintains its anti-EU position, it could be a serious stalling deterrent to the progress of the New World Order and may buy more time for the advance of the Gospel of the kingdom in this world before Jesus returns.

Thank God for former President Trump’s strong stand against globalism! Before the UN he strongly insisted, “We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” No wonder he was fought tooth and nail from the beginning of his presidency and even in the last election. It wasn’t just a matter of Democrat versus Republican, or liberal versus conservative. It was and is a matter of a globalist, Luciferian agenda versus a patriotic, free America—a nation with a godly foundation (our pilgrim forefathers) which can still be the bread basket of the world spiritually. Pray that God brings a spiritual awakening to this country and raises up laborers for the harvest who will preach the true Gospel “while it is day” for “the night is coming when no one can work” (John 9:4).

Note: some of the information in this article was obtained from:

*Information on ultimate plan of Gotthard Tunnel found on
David Hathaway – The Rape of Europe
Donald Trump tells the UN that the U.S. will not accept globalist agenda.

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      • What do you think they meant by the 11 stars on that Tower of Babel poster? Could it symbolize the a/c ruling over the 10 kings?

        • Hello Lyric,

          I am not sure about the number 11, however, the 11 stars are in the shape of a diamond which is the geometric form of the “square and compass”–the symbols of the Freemasons—and most likely, the EU and the Masons are inseparably united. Also, I have read that in occultism the number 11 represents the two pillars of duality (because of the shape of the numbers apparently)—the path of light and the path of darkness. I have not verified this.

Written by Mike Shreve